AHS wins me over again with its Season 9 title announcement


(Ryan Murphy’s Instagram/FX)

Guys, it’s happening.  It’s happening!

I’m finally getting my Sleepaway Camp season of American Horror Story that I’ve been dreaming about for years.

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60 of the Greatest Horror films from the 1960s to 2010s



In honor of Horrormonal’s first anniversary and the catharsis and opportunities it has given me within the last year, along with the conversations it has started with other horror film lovers, I give you 60 of (some) of the greatest horror films of all time, starting with the 1960s until the 2010s (so far).  I’ve been musing over this since August, and I’ve had such a difficult time narrowing it down to just 10 movies from each decade, but I think I chose pretty carefully.  I love each film for different reasons- some for their artistic integrity, some for their metaphors, some for changing the way I look at cinematic arts entirely, some for haunting my nightmares, some for repulsing me, and others for their entertainment value.  If you haven’t seen some of the more obscure picks, please consider checking them out, and be sure to revisit some old classics you may not have viewed in a long time.  (Thank you to Collider.com for some guidance.)

Here are 60 of (some) of the greatest horror films of modern times…

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Horror to look forward to (and a few to probably avoid) in 2018!


The Endless (2018)

2017 was truly incredible for our favorite red-headed stepchild genre, aka horror, as we witnessed some masterpieces like Get Out receive not only great numbers at the box office and critical acclaim, but even Golden Globe nominations…so 2018 has some huge shoes to fill.  From the looks of things as of now, 2018 will have its share of things that I ABSOLUTELY CANNOT WAIT for…as well as a couple that look laughable, that I will likely skip, but others may enjoy.  Here are some of the horror pieces to look forward to (and a few to probably not waste your money on) coming out this year, in order of their releases.

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